
Our First Place!

Our bedroom. Those back doors lead off to a porch/laundry room.  During the winter you close the suction doors and summer you leave them open.
Our Kitchen!  It is a great space with a stove, microwave, fridge, countertops, plenty of storage and table and chairs! Very modern looking with these bamboo-type floors!
Our bathroom. Restrooms in Korea do not have a special area for the shower. As you can see, the shower is in the room and has not raise in the floor to retain the water. Therefore, the water from the shower goes all over the whole room...not their smartest decision.
This is what it looks like when you walk in. Stairs on the right lead up to a 3-4 ft. ceiling loft area (we are using it for storage).  Straight ahead is our bedroom, with the kitchen straight ahead and to the left. Bathroom at 9 o'clock and entry way (for shoes...Koreans don't wear their shoes inside their home) at 6 o'clock behind us.


Katie said...

Your place is awesome!!! I love it and I want to come visit right now!

Marki said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE it! The apartment looks amazing, and I'm SO happy that yall have had such a great start!